Luxury craftsmanship at the service of the finest Italian leathers.

Since 2019, Birgu Blue Leather Atelier has been supplying demanding clients with bespoke leather garments of exceptional quality.  Through our designs and creations, we transpose a savoir-faire of ancestral leather craftsmen to leatherware of the finest high standards.

Quality, design, refinement and practicality are fundamental to us, personified by our historic boutique, situated at 66, Hilda Tabone Street, formerly Britannia Street, in the Maltese maritime city of Birgu. It’s an intimate and independent atelier that is shaking up the world of bespoke leather creations in Malta with flair.

Birgu Blue is synonymous with quality and refinement, for those who appreciate beautiful leather and materials worked with exacting skill to create enduring leatherware and products that exist beyond time and fashion. You will see the beauty of our leathers transformed into objets d’art through the craftsman’s savoir-faire, with an exacting standard of quality in production.

Each selection from our leatherware is destined to accompany you through life, becoming more beautiful with time. They incarnate the excellence of our craftsmen and the pride of our brand which embodies tradition and modernity.

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